IT lifecycle services

These IT lifecycle services include receipt, imaging, staging, configuration, shipping, installation, data migration, de-installation, data wipe, and disposal services.


These IT lifecycle services can be flexed up and down based on a customer’s need.

These services are managed by our Project Management Office.

Utilizing our corporate facility Barrister is able to make a cost efficient shift of some services away from the customer site to a central location.


This facility typically houses all receipt, imaging, configuration, and shipping services that we perform as part of our deployment services.

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Hire the IT Lifecycle Services Agency…

A wide array of IT Lifecycle services:

These IT  services include onsite, advanced exchange and depot repair of desktops, laptops, servers, printers, and POS equipment.

Like our deployment services, we are able to customize these IT lifecycle services based on a customer’s need and equipment criticality. IT Services can be combined or stand alone, allowing each solution to be customized for the customer’s need.

For our onsite services, Barrister offers a wide variety of coverage and priority levels depending on the customer desire.

Our service options include anything as basic as 9 to 5 local time, or could be as demanding as 24×7 availability, while our priorities offer standard Next Business Response service, or as sensitive as a 4 hour repair requirement.


The coverage and priority levels can be customized based on the customer needs, and is managed by our service management system to inform each of our employees the proper entitlement for the customer.